Copyright © Cheon Yeon Cider
Design by Dzignine
2012년 8월 29일 수요일

My goals this semester

Hi, my name is Fabian Choi.
Before writing about my goals, I would like to simply introduce myself. The name Fabian, which is a wonderful name, is from my grand master, Fabian Jinho Jung, who is currently enrolled in 10a3. Although he is a bit weird, I believe he is one of the most respectful 17th wave students in KMLA, especially because of his cool personality.

When you entered my blog, you should have seen Cheon yeon cider on the top of this page. Yes, you're right. Cheon yeon cider is my favorite beverage. It's distinct, unique taste made me a fan of it, and after one month, it is officially a 7th anniversary of me being a fan of this thing.

The first time I had contact with 'real' English was when I was 4th grader in elementary school. I've been abroad in Canada for 1 year, and such experience really helped me to attain fluency in English. I guess the largest achievement I made through this period was that I was able to order a pizza well in Canada at the end of the period, which actually took me 1 hour when I first arrived at this foreign country.

Depressingly, however, after I came from Canada, I mainly concentrated on natural sciences and math. Thus, over last four years, I lost my confidence and skills in English, and in fact, I often fear people reading the stuff I wrote nowadays. It's just embarrassing, and I can't help it.
(The great Jinho Jung)

Therefore, the goals I want to achieve this semester through Mr. Garrioch's writing class is clear. Of course, I would like to improve my writing skills. However, the main goal for me is to gain confidence in my writing. Throughout years I lived, what I learned is that confidence is more essential than my skill itself, and I believe the skills will follow if I gain enough of it. I'm really looking forward to this writing class. Thanks :)